Say Something...with Morgan & TRD Photography
One of the things that I miss most about working on magazines is the interviews. I love to read stories and interesting interviews. So I've been working on this for a bit to introduce a new segment for my blog called Say Something. It's talking to different people that I work with, and some specifically for this, but I want to talk to people about life in these contemporary times about real stuff and not just the usual "how long have you modeled/been a tattooer/etc" questions. Hope you guys dig this chat with Morgan and the pics.
TRD - So we're talking to Morgan today for the first ever edition of Say Something here on my blog. Morgan, it's been awesome getting to know you and work with you this last little bit. One of the things that I've found really inspiring about your social media is even with going through some tough times, you remain upbeat and positive. How do you do that?
Morgan - I realize just how lucky I am to be alive. Having been brushed with things that should have killed me, mentally and physically, I appreciate life entirely. I have the “it could be worse” mentality and a little “it always gets better” sprinkled on top. I just try to keep going because I know who I am and I know what a fighter I am.
TRD - I think that's awesome, and I think it's really cool that you share some of what you've been through and how you've struggled with depression and things. You never know who out there is dealing with things and how that little bit of openness can help. You've done some road tripping. What's been your favorite destination that you've been to so far?
Morgan - Thank you! I have a “keep going” tattoo on my arm, big enough so anybody I encounter can see it because I talk with my hands. It always gets better, if you put in the work and believe it. And nobody is ever alone. I would have to say the road trip I did to the Grand Canyon and back! Leaving from Tennessee and coming through Texas on the way back. I got to be in Denver, Colorado for a blink, but I fell in love instantly. The trees were all yellow with leaves and I found a hot spring that was surrounded by nature (I believe it’s called Strawberry Park). I felt very at peace, was sleeping in the back of my Jeep, and just genuinely enjoyed Colorado and the beauty it holds.
Model - Morgan Reece - TRD Photography - Say Something
TRD - That is so cool! I've seen some of Colorado, but more so just in passing. Northern Wyoming for me was amazing. Where else would you like to visit?
Morgan - I would love to go out of the country! As much as I travel, a lot of people don’t know I have yet to do that yet. I would love to go to Norway! Oslo has been tugging at my heartstrings for a very long time now. I’m thinking I’m going to finally going to make it happen in the upcoming spring!
TRD - That is killer man! I hope that it works out for you to make it! You're in your mid twenties right? What do you think people your age can do to make a difference in our society?
Morgan - Yes! I’m somewhat new to the 27 club. I think we should definitely speak up. If something bothers us, speak up. Too often we go with the flow and just settle because we think it’s just the way it’s got to be or go. Not only that, but I think we should definitely open our eyes to our neighbors. I think we forget that we aren’t perfect or above anyone so we overlook humanity sometimes. I think we need to just take care of each other and be kind. I truly think that love and empathy could move mountains.
TRD - I agree man! I think that it's become so easy to just become consumed in our own life, in this cyber world, that we overlook whats going on in the real world. What do we need to do to get beyond the negativity in social media?
Morgan - I think we need to just turn it into a positive thing! I try my best to post quotes that will inspire, help, move, and help people feel a little less alone on my Instagram account. I need it sometimes more, but I often get messages saying “thank you. I needed to hear that.” I think we could comment encouragement instead of screenshooting with intention to bring someone down. I think we could really use it as a positive thing, but unfortunately, with our human nature, it takes a lot of brain work. We just have to try!
Model - Morgan Reece - TRD Photography - Say Something
TRD - I think that's really well said dude! Where do you want to be in ten years?
Morgan - Honestly, that kinda changes every other year sometimes. I want to be happy, feel loved, I want to have many travel stories under my belt, and feel like I’ve accomplished a few things then.
TRD - What are some of the items on your bucket list?
Morgan - Skydiving, swim with sharks, visit all 50 states before I turn 30, and eventually see Celine Dion in concert are just a few of them!
TRD - That's awesome dude! Just getting to know you, I bet you'll be knocking them off in no time. I wanna thank you for taking some time to chat with us. What's one last thing you'd like to say to folks out there reading this?
Morgan - Thank you! I’m definitely setting some goals to get to them. I appreciate you having me to do this! It was a lot of fun, as always. I would love to leave this by saying... be you. Just be you. Own your faults and your quirks. They make you who you are and nobody can ever take that from you. Don’t apologize for who you are and don’t you dare change to make someone else comfortable. The right people will love you and appreciate you, despite how much of a mess you can be. And be nice to the people trying to figure it all out. Life isn’t easy and we are all going through this together.