5 Questions (and Photos) with Bartender SCARAHXO…
Sarah aka SCARAHXO on IG, is a bartender and tattoo model in Nashville, TN. I’ve been wanting to work with her for awhile since we first talked when she still lived in Florida. We finally got connected and got to shoot early this month. I also love getting to chat with people I work with, so here’s a mini interview with Sarah.
TRD - What was it about tattoos that drew you to getting tattooed and being part of this culture?
SCARAHXO - I was just instantly drawn to it. I’d see someone with tattoos as a kid and couldn’t wait to get one, as I got into teen years I would see beautiful heavily tattooed women and I just thought it made them look even more beautiful. I love the expression and individuality it allows you to share.
TRD - I totally get that. For me it was seeing tattooed people when I was in elementary school, and my best friend and I would draw on each other in the corner of the classroom. Ha! You're originally from Florida right? Is the tattoo scene different there than it is in Nashville? I've found that in different places the crowd kinda shifts in types of people in the crowd.
SCARAHXO - That’s a interesting question to think about… mostly because Florida is it’s own place. People are a little wild.. especially where I’m from in Florida. I was a lot younger when I lived there but from what I remember is people wouldn’t do as much research and would care more about how much a tattoo would be rather than quality.
Tattoo Model - SCARAHXO Photo - TRD Photography
TRD - I get that. Florida kind of ends up being a mix of so many different types of people from all over the country to. So it's kind of a melting pot. I've spent some time out in the Pacific Northwest, and it was interesting because back then the tattoo scene was a lot different than it is here. What is your favorite band to listen to, to relax?
SCARAHXO - You’re so right! Its hard to judge because I lived there 12 years ago My favorite band right now is Brand of Sacrifice. Relaxing music for me Type O Negative and In Flames. If I’m on a plane or my anxiety is really high I just put those two on and it really grounds me then I get sleepy (thankfully)
TRD - That's awesome! One of my best friends is a huge Type O fan. Are there any movies coming out this summer you're looking forward to?
SCARAHXO - I’m honestly so picky when it comes to movies. Maybe I don’t have the patience anymore to sit and watch something unless I know it’s going to be good or something I’m really going to be interested in. I honestly am excited for the new The Little Mermaid. That’s the innocent inner child in me I suppose. Guardians of the Galaxy, Barbie because who doesn’t love Margot Robbie
TRD - Dude I feel you! I honestly watch so few movies anymore. Most of the time it's because I'm doing research for some of the toy/cosplay photos that I do. But I do think the new Little Mermaid could be good! The Barbie movie looks hilarious. So last question, what got you into the world of modeling and photoshoots?
SCARAHXO - My mom actually encouraged me. I was taking “selfies” with the crappy old digital camera and she was like “woah you need to model” I was only 12-13 at the time and we had no idea how to get into the industry. My mom was relentless so she somehow found a photographer who worked for sports illustrated and he took me under his wing and taught me so much. The industry was so different and toxic back then too! It was hard but thankfully the industry has grown with me and I feel like I can be myself and not an image that someone else wants and I’m very thankful for that.
TRD - That's so awesome! I know on the photographer end of things, that's pretty awesome that you had a supportive mother! I know I really enjoyed working with you and look forward to doing it again! Where can people view your work?
SCARAHXO - You’re so amazing and I loved working with you. I can’t wait for what’s next to come with you and I! Instagram is where I post my work until someone makes a better platform (scarahxo)
Tattoo Model - SCARAHXO Photo - TRD Photography
Tattoo Model - SCARAHXO Photo - TRD Photography
Tattoo Model - SCARAHXO - Photo - TRD Photography