Ink Revolution - Spring 2017 - Now Available.

We are pleased to announce that the latest, and most likely, final issue of Ink Revolution magazine is now out and available. One of the things that I have loved most about IR over the years is getting to talk to and interview a variety of people, and hopefully take interesting photos of them. That will not be going away. I have plans to carry on interviews and such, but in a blog format and without the the restrictions of keeping it as a "tattoo magazine." I love the tattoo industry and will continue to interview artists and be a part of it, but I want to be able to share stories and opinions of people on a variety of things without worrying about how many tattoos someone has or doesn't have. Stay tuned. And go pick up this kick ass issue. 

Ink Revolution - Spring 2017

By Ricky Davis in Ink Revolution

40 pages, published 5/1/2017

Ink Revolution is a tattoo lifestyle magazine. In the Spring 2017 issue we talk to Wes Collins about his Cherokee ancestry, and about tattooing in Native culture. We sat down with tattoo artists Michael Clester and Chris Allman. We talked with tattoo models Mel Lamon, Cece Sinclair, & Candice Mariee. We talked herbs with Griffin Salve, food with chef Eric Fulkerson, and a highlight on Marty Hambone Hamilton.