"What makes you feel beautiful?"
The definition of beauty gets a lot of play in our society today. You're too fat. You're too skinny. You have stretchmarks. You've got wrinkles. There are arguments over what is beauty, what's not and how evil it is to not know the difference.
The only thing is beauty doesn't really exist. There are no set ramifications because we all have a different perspective of what it means to us. So the only real definition of beauty is what our definition of it is. That's the only one that truly matters. How we view ourselves, instead of how the world views us.
Along that line of thinking, I plan to work on a series. What makes you feel beautiful/what makes you feel unbeautiful?
I asked my good friend Jessica about what makes her feel beautiful.
"Learning to love myself has made me feel beautiful , looking in the mirror and loving what i saw staring back at me is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world." Jessica
Me - "What helped the most in teaching you to love yourself and being able to look in the mirror and loving the person looking back at you?"
"Self acceptance. My hips will always be curvy my chest isn't the fullest,my teeth aren't straight and I have double dimples on my cheeks but these are the things that make me ME." Jessica
"What makes you feel beautiful?" Jessica W. Photo by Ricky Davis of TRD Photography
How you see yourself is everything. Notice the perfect imperfections, but know that we all have them. By learning to love ourselves as we are, we can learn to love others for who they are as well....Until next time...