Film in the Studio...Finally got to try it!
My apologies in the repost of this blog. I was cleaning out some older posts that were no longer applicable and somehow today's post got deleted as well.
Recently I have started working to learn more about film photography. When I first played around with photography it was all film. I had no idea what I was doing. When I got serious about photography, I learned by shooting digital. Now I'm increasingly interested in working to learning film. It's been an interesting journey so far!
Model Krysten Barnes - Photographer Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Fuji Acros 100 Film
A few weeks ago I was preparing to head off to Portland, OR for a couple of weeks, but I really wanted to try shooting film in studio before I left. That way when I got back, my negatives would be here and I could see how it worked. I was happy when an old friend of mine was able to work her schedule around and shoot with me a couple days before I was set to leave. Krysten and I have collaborated on some of my favorite photographs over the years.
Model Krysten Barnes - Photographer Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Fuji Acros 100 Film
Our shoot consisted of shooting two different films, expired Fuji Acros 100 and expired Kodak Tmax400. As I had no idea how film would work with studio lighting, we tried several different looks, just to make sure we tried different things to see how it would work.
Model Krysten Barnes - Photographer Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Fuji Acros 100 Film
The Fuji Acros 100 was my favorite film to work with that day I think. I liked the exposures on the Tmax too, but we had lighting issues where most of those ended up being scrapped. I started off shooting with high wattage constant light, and those were great! When I used my studio strobes, my shutter speed was too fast for the film to light up the whole frame.I really look forward to working on that next time.
Model Krysten Barnes - Photographer Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Kodak TMax 400 Film
These images haven't been edited, other than removing a few large scratches from processing. I'm really looking forward to working more with film in the studio and soon beginning to work on actual darkroom techniques and processing my own film. So stay tuned...