Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project
Ever since I began photography back in 2009, I've been enamored to do a Seven Deadly Sins project. I started to do it a few times, but never really went for it. I am super stoked to share this first part of a Seven Deadly Sins project that I'm currently working on. This is the first part of what will be an ongoing series exploring a variety of the sins in a variety of ways. I'm honored to have gotten to work with model Lauren Dunham on this first part of the series, as well as we have multiple concepts for more that will be coming as well. I hope you enjoy and will keep track as the series progresses....
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography
Seven x1 - A Seven Deadly Sins Project - Model Lauren Dunham - TRD Photography