Halloween - Dark Art Special Event Film Shoot with TRD Photography
For years, one of the things a lot of folks have private messaged me about or talked to me about at conventions is my darker work. A lot of people have asked me when I would do a special event based around it and the time is here.
Recently I've been exploring and working to get comfortable with shooting film. I love the depth and the tones that it provides and I think one style of work that it really enhances is with the darker concepts.
So I decided to offer a special priced event on October 25th. This will be held at my studio in Cleveland, TN. For just $50, you can do a special dark art concept shoot with me. I will shoot one roll of film with you. I have some concepts and props in mind for the day, but if you have something crazy in your mind, feel free to share it. You will get two fully edited shots from the day, and you can always purchase extras if you would like. You must reserve your slot by Oct 15th with a $25 deposit, that counts towards the cost of your shoot. That way I can order the amount of film that will be needed for this event. If you have any questions, email me at trd@trdphotography.com
Due to this shoot taking place on October 25th, and that this is film, I do have to send off my film to be processed. Between sending off and getting it back, it can take up to two weeks. Please keep that in mind.
I am enclosing some more darker concept work that I've done with film to give you more of an idea on style that I shoot with film.
Model - Krysten Barnes - Photo - Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Film Kodak Tmax100
Model - Krysten Barnes - Photo - Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Film - Tmax100
Model - Krysten Barnes - Photo - Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Film - Tmax 100
Model - Krysten Barnes - Photo - Ricky Davis of TRD Photography - Film Tmax 100