Stifled by Style
Sometimes you get known for a particular style of work, and it can start to get in your head. You worry about posting stuff outside of that look, worry about if people are going to dig it, or if you're going to end up pissing people off and losing business. If you're not careful, you end up so focused on end results and then you really just cut into the mindset that built your vision to begin with.
I've felt this way for a minute. I do such diverse styles that have such varied audiences that it's always been something in the back of my head. At various points I've strayed from the work that I really enjoy doing sometimes. I recently read a book called "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon ( www.austinkleon ) and it really opened my eyes to some things. Get prepared to get to know more about me, what inspires me, and see more of the the styles that catch my eye.
My assistant Nickie Cox - Film - Kodak Tri X - TRD Photography